Its really hard to accept that life as a fat woman actually. Hahahaha
For the 1st time aku merungut. Sorry Ya Allah, it was my own mistake.
Its hard because, bila ko duduk semeja dengan kawan2 ko yang kurus & dorang makan makanan yang menggemukkan, dan kau, makan healthy food due to diet, ada yang datang and complained that, yang "sihat" kau je. What do you feels? Accept it as positive word or either ways?
Kau tahu tak, how difficult i am utk eat all the healthy foods, cut off all the carbohydrate & sugar in daily life? Its hard. But u still in the same size! Totally devastated sebenarnya.
Aku harap aku bangkit dari rasa kecewa nie, aku harap benda2 nie takkan buat aku mengalah untuk stay healthy & live normally like others.
I never compaint bout orang lain size sebab i know how hurts its actually.
Please respect others! We never be in the same shoes.